Von Iva - Emerald Eyes (2008) - MUSIC_ XXI 00`s

An all-girl electro soul-punk group.

MP3 file.

Someway related to:

    "Emerald Eyes" is a song by Von Iva released in Oct 28, 2008. The band appeared in the film Yes Man as Munchausen by Proxy, the band backing the character played by actress Zooey Deschanel; they recorded four songs for the film's soundtrack. The songs were: Uh-Huh, Yes Man, Sweet Ballad, and Keystar.


Emerald Eyes

If I had no more time
No more time in this life
Would I feel complete?
Happy histories?
Fulfilling days and nights?

Well just one look in your eyes
And I'm sure I'll find
The way to live well
The way to live right
Morning noon and night

Ohhh I get lost in the sky of your emerald eyes
Ohhh loose my mind in the light of your emerald eyes

Ohhh I get lost in the sky of your emerald eyes
Ohhh loose my mind in the light of your emerald eyes
Oh those emerald eyes
I could die

When the choice is not yours
Between fight and flight
Caution to the wind
It's only the beginning
There's no end in sight

Cause now I've opened my eyes
Got you in my mind
You're all I can see
Sparkling emerald green
Vision of night

Ohhh I get lost in the sky of your emerald eyes
Ohhh loose my mind in the light of your emerald eyes

Ohhh I get lost in the sky of your emerald eyes
Ohhh loose my mind in the light of your emerald eyes
Oh those emerald eyes
I could die

You got me open slowly hypnotized
Lost in the sky of your emerald eyes
So open there's no need to hide
From the light of your emerald eyes

You got me open slowly hypnotized
Lost in the sky of your emerald eyes
So open there's no need to hide
From the light of your emerald eyes

Ohhh I get lost in the sky of your emerald eyes
Ohhh loose my mind in the light of your emerald eyes

Ohhh I get lost in the sky of your emerald eyes
Ohhh loose my mind in the light of your emerald eyes
Oh those emerald eyes
I could die

© 2008 Von Iva Music

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8,41 MB (8.829.629 bytes)
